About J R Griffiths Roofing

Roofer with years of experience

Company Director John Griffiths has 25 years experience in roofing , with CSCS Skilled Card-Blue

He has built up his own company by good reputation ,recommendation and a good word of mouth. He has strong work ethics, very professional and very reliable.

J R Griffiths Roofing is based in Anglesey North Wales, we carry out all kinds of roofing work in Anglesey, Gwynedd, Conwy and Denbigh Area. All our staff have Health and Safety Training and Asbestos Awareness course. We are fully insured and we have waste carrier license in place.


what our clients says about us...

" Just to say thanks for your work and sending the guarantee. It was good to see a true professional and great company.   keep up the good work. One very satisfied customer- Tommy Young

"Efficient and knowledgeable in all aspects of roofing and coverings. Very professional"-Jill Stubbington

"John was a breath of fresh air. He arrived, took a proper look. confirmed what i had to order to resolve the problem. Then when i had let him know that the bits had arrived he arranged a time to come and fit. He didn't make a mountain out of a molehill. He did a good job. His communications were very good. Wouldn't hesitate to ask John to work for us again".-Paul Sandham 

"Hardworking and friendly. Reasonably priced,turned up on time and got on with the job"-Kelwin Bennisn

"I found John to be excellent in all the above and would definately recommend him to others without any hesitation"-Sarah Rush

"Very pleased with all aspects-good communication from the offset, John was happy to answer all my questions/concerns. Very kindly repaired some broken tiles to help prevent further leaks before work commenced. The work took 2.5 days, progress was discussed as it went along. Clearing up was very good, my front gutters were cleaned up too !
There were no 'hidden extras' and the total cost was fair and good. I was also assured that if I had any problems in the future they would address them straightaway"-Rose Lynford

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